How to outsource customer service

How to Outsource Customer Service

If you’d like to learn how to outsource customer service, this guide will walk you through the process with step-by-step instructions. Outsourcing your customer service needs can save your business money as well as improve the customer support experience for your clients. Build upon your client base and convert new leads into customers with outsourced customer support services.

There are many reasons companies outsource customer support. According to the 2021 Deloitte Shared Services and Outsourcing Survey, 88% of businesses are interested in improving efficiency, 84% in reducing costs, and 73% in delivering business value. Outsourcing allows businesses to improve efficiency and performance, save costs, and add more value to customers.

Benefits of Outsourcing Customer Service

If your business wants to outsource customer service, there are many benefits. Here are some of the advantages of outsourcing:

  • Improved efficiency. Outsourcing helps streamline your business and improve the efficiency of your customer service processes. You will have access to focused customer support professionals whose jobs and skills center on delivering the best customer service experience.
  • Cut costs. Outsourcing customer support can save your business on labor costs. Instead of paying on-site, local staff, you have access to an international labor pool of skilled workers when you outsource customer service. Outsourcing costs are usually a fraction of the cost of local staff. Bolt Business offers experienced virtual customer support professionals at budget-friendly costs. Our staff is located in Mexico and our mission is to deliver the best quality virtual support staff at affordable prices while offering employment opportunities in our communities.
  • Better performance. Outsourcing offers opportunities to streamline customer support processes and to monitor and improve performance. With an experienced virtual staff, you’ll be able to step up your customer service experience.
  • More innovation. When you outsource customer service, you open the door to new innovations, including software to improve and monitor customer service. Companies that offer remote customer support services often have access to the best customer service technology and processes, and your company will benefit from these resources.

Customer Support Channels

Before you outsource customer service, identify which channels your reps will use to support clients. Here are some of the most common customer support channels to consider:

  • Phone support includes answering customer calls and providing call center services. The quality of phone support can make or break a business, keeping customers coming back or driving them away. Hiring the best phone support staff will help your business thrive.
  • Chat support includes replying to customer questions and inquiries via chat. Having an affordable staff of skilled chat support will give your business an edge over the competition.
  • Email support offers email replies and assistance to customers and potential customers. Having prompt, helpful email support will improve the customer service experience and help transform leads into sales.

Excellent customer service is a critical element of lead generation that will help your business convert leads into customers and keep existing customers coming back for more. Check out our Lead Generation Tools to Boost Your Business for more help on improving your lead generation process and increasing your sales.

Steps to Outsource Customer Service

If you’re ready to get started outsourcing customer support services, here are the steps to take:

  1. Identify your goals. Before you outsource customer service, it’s important to sit down and assess your goals. Do you want to improve the amount or quality of customer service you offer or add new services? What channels of communication will your reps utilize? Write out your goals and you’ll be able to share them with your new customer service team.
  2. Clarify the responsibilities of customer support reps. Write out a clear job description and clarify what channels your customer support reps will use. Include a list of daily duties and responsibilities as well as long-term projects and goals. Also, include how many hours per week you expect your customer support reps to work.
  3. Find the right provider. Do your research and find a qualified, experienced company that offers customer support reps. Bolt Business offers customer service agents to meet your outsourcing needs. Our skilled customer support specialists provide excellent customer service, including bilingual services in English and Spanish, live call center support, email and administrative support, and more.
  4. Train customer support agents. The next step to outsourcing customer service help is to train your agents. During onboarding, you will want to acquaint support reps with your business processes, mission, and expectations. Provide ongoing access to support to help reps excel.
  5. Track performance. Many software programs can help you track your customer support agents. From customer reviews to automated calculations tracking the number of customers agents help, technology tools can help with tracking.
  6. Schedule regular assessments. The next step is to check in with your customer support agents regularly and provide feedback. Using tracking tools and customer feedback, your managers can offer guidance and suggestions to help customer service support staff excel and improve their performance.
  7. Be flexible. Flexibility is key to successful outsourcing. Be open to adjusting processes and even communication channels as your business rises to meet the needs of your customers and your support agents.

Outsource Customer Support and Watch Your Business Grow

Whether you need more agents to answer phones or want to streamline your business and improve efficiency, outsourcing customer service support can help. Improving your customer service experience will help build your customer base and attract new customers. Outsourcing can boost efficiency and improve services, enhancing the performance of customer service reps, and giving you access to a highly skilled workforce for a fraction of the cost of local labor.

Bolt Business offers highly qualified customer service support for all of your outsourcing needs. We are based in Mexico and provide bilingual support staff at a budget-friendly cost. Contact us today to get a custom quote and learn how our customer service support team can elevate your business and boost profits with excellent customer support services.

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