Why Hire a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant

If you’re looking for a digital marketing virtual assistant, you are probably having difficulty keeping up with the 24/7 world of digital marketing. When you’re running a business, it’s next to impossible to do all of your own digital marketing, including social media, blogging, newsletters, database management, lead generation, and website promotions. Luckily, a marketing virtual assistant can take a lot of the tedious tasks off of your plate, for a fraction of the cost of a full-time employee. In addition, if you hire a bilingual marketing VA, you will be able to reach millions more people. This guide will help you find a digital marketing virtual assistant.

What Is a Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant?

A digital marketing VA is a remote assistant who helps you with marketing endeavors. While you or a marketing manager will still strategize and create the ideas for your business’ marketing campaigns, a marketing virtual assistant will help carry out the campaigns. From sending emails to creating social media posts, your virtual assistant will save you time and money, while making sure your company’s marketing efforts are carried out effectively.

Some areas that a marketing virtual assistant can help with include:

  • Social media marketing. A digital marketing virtual assistant can help with posting, scheduling, and creating social media. Most entrepreneurs are too busy to keep up with regular posting on social media, and this creates a great loss in marketing opportunities. Stay ahead of the competition and keep your business at the forefront of your customers’ minds with a social media assistant who stays on top of everything.

  • Email marketing. Email may be an older form of marketing but it’s stuck around for a reason – it is effective. There are 4 billion daily email users in the world and 37% of brands are increasing their marketing budgets due to the high ROI of email marketing, according to HubSpot. Make sure your email marketing is effectively communicating with your customers with a marketing virtual assistant. Email marketing can be time-consuming, but a digital marketing virtual assistant will be able to dedicate the time to create engaging, high-quality emails regularly. This will translate into more sales for your business and more time for you to focus on running your business.

  • Website marketing. Website marketing includes content marketing, pop-up forms and announcements, blogging, and SEO (search engine optimization). A marketing virtual assistant will be able to create small updates and changes to keep your website marketing fresh, innovative and engaging. Your VA may be able to assist with graphic design, updating copy, and creating new marketing campaigns on your website.

  • Graphic design. Graphic design can be time-consuming but it’s important to keep your brand image strong. A VA can take on the time-consuming graphic design work that you need for marketing your business. Whether you want some flyers for Instagram stories or a sale announcement GIF for your newsletter, a dedicated marketing virtual assistant will be able to help.

  • Database management. The tedious admin tasks of marketing often fall by the wayside when entrepreneurs get busy running their businesses. But the truth is that these repetitive tasks help your business stay on track and flourish. A VA will ensure you stay on top of the day-to-day marketing admin tasks. Your marketing VA will be able to update and maintain your marketing records so you have accurate, well-categorized information on each and every client you serve.

  • Lead generation. Capture more leads with lead generation services from your VA. A marketing assistant can help improve your lead generation process, track data, and increase sales, all while saving you valuable time.

  • Marketing copy. A digital marketing virtual assistant can assist you with marketing copy for your business. A bilingual marketing VA can help you by writing copy in Spanish or English, therefore opening up a larger market for your client base. If you need social media captions or website copy, a VA will be able to do the job.

Hiring a Bilingual Marketing VA

A bilingual marketing assistant can help your business grow exponentially. The United States has the second largest population of Spanish-speaking people in the world after Mexico, according to Forbes. With so many people speaking Spanish, it’s smart to have a bilingual marketing VA who can help you tap into this market.

Some areas that a bilingual VA can help you with include:

  • Writing website and newsletter copy in Spanish and English
  • Writing social media captions in Spanish and English
  • Cultural knowledge of the Spanish-speaking market, with the ability to recommend popular trends and ways to market to this segment of the population.
  • Translating online responses and service calls from Spanish-speaking people.

Benefits of a Marketing Virtual Assistant

There are many advantages of hiring a VA to help with marketing. Marketing is one of the key factors that determine your business success, and it is also one of the most time-consuming areas of running a business. A marketing virtual assistant can save you valuable time by taking care of repetitive marketing tasks like posting on social media, updating marketing databases, creating newsletters, designing flyers, and sending regular emails.

A bilingual marketing VA can help your bottom line grow by expanding your client base. The Spanish-speaking market continues to grow, and you are losing profits if you don’t serve this market. Whether you need ideas for ways to communicate with Spanish-speaking customers or website copy in both Spanish and English, a bilingual VA will be able to do the job.

In addition to saving you valuable time, a digital marketing virtual assistant will save you thousands of dollars in marketing costs. If you hired a marketing company or staff person, it would cost much more than a virtual assistant. Outsource the repetitive yet important tasks of your digital marketing, and watch your profits soar.

Learn more about Bolt Business Solutions’ digital marketing services with our top-rated bilingual virtual assistants. Contact us today to see how we can help your business grow.

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Complete Guide to Bilingual Virtual Assistant Services


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